The Top Five SEO Mistakes

Google’s Matt Cutts shares with us the top five SEO mistakes webmasters make.

Written by Kaye Neylon

SEO Mistakes

1. Not having a website or having a website that is not crawlable is the biggest mistake he sees.

2. Not including the right words on the page. The example Matt gave is: don’t just write, “Mt. Everest Height” but write, “How high is Mt. Everest?” because that is how people search

3. Don’t think about link building, think about compelling content and marketing.

4. Don’t forget to think about the title and description of your most important pages.

5. Not using webmaster resources and learning about how Google works and what SEO is about.

Captain Obvious?

As far as link building is concerned (and we know that is likely to be the main point of interest here), it is only a small part of the Google algorithm. Matt Cutts does speak sense as a high volume of poor links pointing to your site can hurt your pagerank.

We have a motto at Jungle that it’s much easier to get bad links, than to get rid of them! If poor links are bothering you or dampening your SEO progress, contact our SEO team now and we’ll see how we can resolve the problem for.

We all know content is king and Google places much emphasis on it. At Jungle we add new content daily and also change some our of content so Google can see the changes when it crawls the page, so it really is worth giving priority to content and marketing as the idea is this: If it is link-worthy content, people will link back to it so you don’t need to go and source “unnatural” links.


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