Google Removes Authorship Picture from its Search Pages.

Google has updated the way Authorship is displayed on the search engine result page. The change included the removal of authorship picture on the search engine result pages, and a smaller picture will be used on news pages.

John Meuller Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google when referring to their ongoing efforts to clean up the visual design of the company search result pages said “As a part of this, we’re simplifying the way authorship is shown in mobile and desktop search results, removing the profile photo and circle count.”

This does not change the importance of using authorship on the pages of your website; Google will replace the picture with a clickable link to the authorship profile. Below is a view on how the new display will look…


Authorship on SERP's

New Google Authorship Display


Jungle can check if your authorship profile is set up correctly, or if you need information on how to set up your Google authorship profile contact our expert team on 0333 300 1299.

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