How to Monitor the Success of Your PPC Campaign

We’ve shown you how to set up your PPC campaign, now let’s measure its success!

So, you’ve starting running your PPC campaign. Now you need to monitor its success to make sure it is working well for you and bringing in those all-important conversions.

The number of companies using online advertising has increased dramatically over the past decade. PPC advertising is one of the fastest growing of all online advertising methods and with good reason. PPC allows you to control how and where you advertise, for how long and how much you spend.

PPC ads are mostly displayed when web users use a search engine or social media platform. The PPC network, whether it’s Google or Facebook, publishes ads that are most relevant to what is being searched. All ads are clickable and direct people to the company’s home or landing page.

When planned and executed well, PPC campaigns are a great way of elevating your brand and bringing in more business. When executed badly, they are a great way of wasting money and blowing your advertising budget.

That’s why constant monitoring and management of your PPC campaigns is so important.

The good news is that PPC providers give you access to tools, reports and alerts that can help you to manage your advertising reach and spend easily.

The easiest way to measure the success of your PPC ads is to use traffic metrics. These tell you the number of people that have visited your website, their location and also how they reached your site.

The information that directly relates to the number of sales is the conversion rate. Conversion rate relates to the number of your PPC ads that users clicked on and the sales that resulted from that click.

This data can really help you to realise the success and value of your PPC campaigns and to make changes as necessary.

However, conversion rate doesn’t only have something to do with sales. It can also relate to sign-up, the submission of contact information or downloading data from your site.

Another way you can measure the success of your PPC campaign is to track how your keywords are converting. You have hopefully taken the time to choose the best keywords for your business and by tracking them you can see which ones are working and which are not doing so well.

And finally, you should also determine which ads are providing the most value by how they rank on the search engines. For example, Google shuffles its PPC ads around in order to provide a fair service to its advertisers.

They also offer a ‘featured ads’ service which allows you to pay more to have your ad displayed on a more regular basis and in a prominent position.

We can help you with the planning, implementation and management of your PPC campaigns.

Our services are designed to offer you peace of mind that your online advertising is working giving you the freedom to concentrate on other aspects of your business – such as dealing with all those wonderful conversions coming your way!

Contact our PPC team today for more information


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