Google – ‘The Fastest Path to Mobile Customers is Through a Mobile Friendly Site’

News | 11th Oct

Whether you like it or not (and here at Jungle we do), the Digital Age is here to stay. The constant struggle to rank No.1 in an ever-changing landscape necessitates the adoption of new tactics and technologies.

The buzz around responsive websites continues to gather momentum and no longer can this issue be placed in the ‘I’ll think about this later’ pile. With the growth of smartphones, tablets and netbooks, consumers are demanding access on the move and, unless you want to miss out to your competition, you need to deliver this.

The statistics from this report on Google’s Mobile Ads Blog are proof that if a website is not mobile friendly it can actually damage a company’s reputation. Almost half of those questioned felt that a site that works poorly on a mobile indicates a company that doesn’t care about its business.

Jungle’s advice to anyone is that mobile business is there for the taking – and if you don’t, be sure your competitors will.

If you need any help or advice, get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise.


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