Mobile Marketing: Then and Now

In the past year, mobile marketing has exploded. The release of new smartphones, new games and apps and unique ways of shopping online has seen more and more consumers reaching for their phones when looking to buy products or use services.

At Jungle we focus heavily on what is happening in the world of mobile. Why? Well, with 83% of consumers (Which Report) using their mobile phones to browse the Internet it makes sense for us to keep an active watch on how our clients can make the most of this market and tap into the profits mobile marketing can bring.

You only need to download a free mobile app or game to be bombarded with targeted mobile marketing and it doesn’t stop there. SMS messages, phone calls to your mobile and GPS targeted marketing are more ways that companies are targeting mobile phone users.

When mobiles were first introduced onto the market a couple of decades ago, retailers probably never imagined what a unique and effective marketing tool they could be.

After all, the phones back then were only capable of making calls and sending and receiving text messages. There was no photo, Internet or GPS capability. Hard to imagine for the younger generation!

However, it soon became apparent to businesses that they could start making money out of text messaging. Many competitions were and still are run using text messaging services.

These premium rate marketing methods can bring in huge profits when set up correctly and are still an effective means of boosting the bottom line especially for larger companies with more marketing power.

Today, it seems that mobile marketing is everywhere you look. From QR codes to game advertising, no stone is left unturned when it comes to attracting the attention of the mobile user.

With 4 billion mobile phones in use worldwide and mobile device usage set to overtake desktop usage by 2014, it is little wonder that more and more companies are starting to sit up and take notice.

Mobile marketing isn’t simply about developing an app, mobile advertising or setting up a text message campaign. Your website should be your first port of call when tapping into the mobile consumer market.

If you have not made your website ‘mobile friendly’ yet, it is probably time to do so. 50% of all local business searches are conducted using a mobile device so it makes sense to get your website and your website SEO in order so that you can tap into this lucrative and thriving market.

Jungle offers website design services that will ensure your website is accessible from any device and is working hard on your behalf. We can also help if you are interested in developing your own app, reaching out to social media consumers or targeting more customers through local search.

With so many people using mobile devices today it could be time for your marketing strategies to have a make-over.

Speak to Jungle today and we can give you advice on how to reach more mobile customers in 2013 and really get your brand noticed!


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