The Google +1 Button and Its Effects on Your Website Traffic

The Google +1 button has been around for a few months now, but you might be wondering what it does and its effects on your website.

It’s very similar to the Facebook like button and allows website visitors to bookmark and share the websites and content they like.

The +1 button has started appearing next to search results on Google, but you must be using the new Google profile in order to see this and you must also be logged in to your account.

The +1 button allows users to recommend and share content with their friends and will be visible alongside search engine results. Anybody in your social circle will be able to see the pages and other content you have recommended as long as they are logged in too.

Webmasters can also add the +1 button to websites they are developing and this will enable users to bookmark and share those sites. If your site doesn’t currently have a Google +1 button we recommend you add one alongside your Facebook and Twitter buttons as soon as possible.

As we expected, this new feature has already had quite a big influence on SEO and on Internet marketing in general. It also has a significant impact on the click through rate of a website. Users are more likely to click on a page that has been +1’d by one of their friends or somebody else that they trust.

Pages that have been +1’d are also more likely to be crawled by Google. This is great news if you have lots of pages that users are likely to +1.

The Effects on SEO

We already know that Google uses data from social media as signals – this means the pages with the most signals will be more likely to appear in search results.

By adding the +1 button to your website you give more exposure to your site and give users a channel through which to share their experience with others. And the more they share it with others the more likely it is to be shared with more and more people.

Speak to the Jungle Team today to find out how we can optimize your website and get you the traffic you’re after!


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