Google’s New Project Glass – Could This Be The Future of Online Browsing?

Social media | 1st Nov

Google has officially announced its Project Glass concept. The innovative design allows people to interact with online users, friends and family members in a way that’s only even been seen in a Hollywood Blockbuster. But will this idea catch on?

If you haven’t heard of Project Glass before, imagine a pair of glasses that allow you to view the internet, play games, listen to music and do practically everything you can do on a tablet PC or any other internet device.

But is the world ready for such a product? Is this a product that is actually required? Since the age of smartphones and tablet computers we have never had it so good when it comes to online browsing.

Google’s Project Glass talks of combining all the necessities of online use into one single product, but don’t we have that already in different guises?

But on closer look, perhaps Project Glass might be the next big thing. Simply pop on the specs and Glass will direct you to your destination, allow you to take pictures, call your contacts, send text messages and provide you with plenty more handy apps that will help you in daily life. Each of these functions is controlled through voice commands so there is no need for keypads or touch screens.

We’re wondering whether we really want to look like a Star Trek extra whilst muttering to ourselves, but hey if everybody else is doing it, why not!

There has been no official release date announced just yet as Google are only at prototype stage. There are sure to be lots of changes to the idea before a product is unleashed onto the market.

Either way, this is a dramatic and bold move by Google.

However, does it have the guts to stand up to the iPhone or iPad? Will people be as willing to embrace the idea? There will always be the diehard technology fans who must have the latest gadget, but Google are really going to have to pull out all the stops to make this product a winner.

Whilst there are lots of risks involved, success doesn’t usually come without risk. Who knows?

This new gadget may revolutionise the way we browse and use the internet. Or it might be made a laughing stock and confined to the gadget graveyard?

Take a look at this video of a Google Project Glass user and see what you think!

What are your thoughts? Would you use Project Glass?


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