Here’s eight digital marketing stats we saw last week and our predictions for the week ahead
Written by Kaye Neylon
What’s covered in the stats?
Stats include mobile, social media, interactive and outdoor advertising, email marketing, and general online customer service that we think is or could be of use to you!
1. Mobile consumers are increasingly ‘screen agnostic’
According to a mobile study by YuMe, consumers are becoming increasingly screen agnostic when it comes to consuming content via a mobile device.
38% of access entertainment content on a smartphone; 34% on a laptop, and 28% on a tablet device

Consumers prefer to consume content in their homes, where they are also much more receptive to advertising as a touch point. With smartphones there is an almost even split in media consumption at home (31%); out and about (24%); travelling (24%) and work usage (21%)
2. Mobile marketing and performance
25% of mobile and internet marketing agencies report having a “well-defined mobile strategy,” while roughly half has some strategic pieces in place
45% of internet marketing agencies say their existing mobile strategy extends beyond 2013, indicating a push towards longer term planning
Only 28% of mobile marketers are tracking performance indicators specific to their mobile programs and are planning without fundamental information

Mobile strategy is a multi-departmental effort at any internet marketing agency
3. Website performance
Shop Direct and Tesco have the fastest websites among Europe’s top retailers
Overall, the average web page load time is 7.04 seconds, which is double the time it would take for a majority of consumers to abandon their purchase
UK retailers Shop Direct and Tesco had the fastest load times at 1.69 seconds and 1.72 seconds respectively
4. M-Commerce
Mobile purchases have risen by 19% in the last year, from 40% to 59% according to new statics from the 2013 Consumer Retail Survey
Lack of information on mobile sites causes 17% to abandon their purchases, 48% said that screen resolution was too small to satisfactorily read product information, and 46% lack trust in the security of their device
5. Advertising
Consumers are more likely to buy something online, ‘Like’ a brand on Facebook and download an app after seeing an outdoor ad vs. TV, radio and print
77% of consumers reported doing something as a direct result of seeing an outdoor ad. 20% of consumers are reported to have made a purchase online after seeing an outdoor ad versus 16% for print ads

16% of consumers ‘Like’ a brand’s Facebook page after seeing an outdoor ad vs 11% for radio ads
13% of consumers have downloaded an app after seeing an outdoor ad (up 117%), which is almost double the amount who downloaded one after seeing a TV ad (only 7%)
6. Email marketing
There has been a strong increase in average email open rates, rising from 18.35% to 21.47% in the last 12 months (figures from’s 2013 UK Email Marketing Benchmark Report)
B2B emails have the highest open rates at 27.97%, while and Sport & Leisure emails achieved open rates of 25.57% on average

7. Top level domains
75% of UK and US consumers are oblivious to new web extensions such as .Google, .Microsoft and .Nike launching this year (2013)
More than half of consumers in both the UK and US would not visit a website with an extension they didn’t recognise
Over two-thirds would prefer to use heritage domain such as .com, etc
8. Online marketing
43% abandon online baskets due to lack of customer interaction
34% said that a lack of support deters them from shopping online altogether whilst 59% of respondents believe that being able to see and speak to a sales assistant would make the purchasing process easier
19% of respondents dislike the poor customer service experienced when purchasing online, whilst 15% dislike the conflicting and confusing information that is available
What do you think to this week’s digital marketing stats? Have you used any of the above to help your digital marketing strategy? Leave your comments in the box below.